Terms of Use | LuON Forum

§1 This regulation specifies and defines the rules for using the electronic service consisting of using a discussion forum available on the forum@luon.eu website (hereinafter: “Forum”). The entity operating the Forum and providing the electronic service is LuON Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Warsaw, Lektykarska Street 54, 01-687 Warsaw, NIP: 5272744183 (hereinafter: LuON)

§2 The use of the Forum is voluntary, but in order to use it, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the following terms and accept them. LuON may also offer other products and services on different terms, which will be clearly expressed for which products and services they are intended. These terms apply only to the use of the Forum.

Terms of Use for the Forum

§3 General Provisions

  1. To use the Forum, you must be at least thirteen years old, and minors may use the Forum with the knowledge and consent of their legal representatives.

  2. LuON reserves the right to contact you and prohibit further use of the Forum.

  3. LuON reserves the right to moderate the Forum and edit the content of comments and posts.

  4. Forum users are obligated to use it in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and applicable legal regulations.

  5. It is not allowed to use or attempt to use someone else’s account on the Forum without the explicit consent of the User who owns it. Users should also not impersonate or in any way suggest the identity of another User.

  6. Users cannot buy, sell, or through any other legal action (including donation, exchange) cause the use of names of other Forum Users or other unique identifiers on the Forum.

  7. Users cannot send advertisements, chain messages, or engage in other forms of harassment through the Forum. Additionally, the forum cannot be used to collect addresses or other personal data for commercial mailing lists or databases.

  8. Users cannot automate access to the Forum or monitor it, e.g., using a web browser, browser plugin or add-on, or another computer program that is not a web browser. Forum can be searched for indexing by a publicly available search engine if the User operates one.

  9. You cannot use the Forum to send messages to distribution lists, discussion groups, or group mail aliases.

  10. Users cannot falsely suggest that a Forum User is affiliated with LuON or supported by LuON.

  11. You cannot place hyperlinks to images or other non-hyperlink content on the forum on other websites.

  12. You cannot remove any ownership markings from materials downloaded from the Forum.

  13. You cannot display any part of the Forum on other websites.

  14. You cannot disable, circumvent, or bypass any security or access restrictions to the Forum.

  15. Do not overload the infrastructure of the Forum with an excessive amount of requests or requests aimed at excessively loading the computer systems that form the basis of the Forum’s operation.

  16. You cannot impersonate other people or suggest the identity of others in any way through the Forum.

  17. You cannot encourage or assist anyone in violating the terms of use of the Forum.

§4 Content Standards

  1. It is not allowed to post on the Forum content that is illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful to others. This includes content that involves harassment, inappropriate, offensive, or hateful behavior.

  2. You cannot post on the Forum content that violates the law, infringes on someone’s intellectual property rights, violates someone’s privacy, or breaches agreements made with other individuals.

  3. It is not allowed to transmit malicious computer code on the forum, including computer viruses or spyware programs.

  4. You cannot post content on the Forum as a simple placeholder to maintain a specific address, username, or other unique identifier.

  5. You cannot use the Forum to disclose information that you do not have the right to disclose, such as confidential or personal information about other people.

  6. It is prohibited to carry out through the Forum any actions violating universally applicable legal regulations. In particular, the following is not allowed:
    a) disseminating content that violates the personal rights of third parties (including other Forum users) or poses a threat of such violation;
    b) taking actions that meet the elements of a crime or encourage the commission of crimes (including defamation or slander);
    c) inciting racial, religious, or ethnic hatred;
    d) promoting violence and aggression;
    e) promoting alcohol, drugs, narcotics, and pornography;
    f) disseminating advertising and promotional content;
    g) disseminating spam;
    h) and others that have not been expressly stated, but which behaviors would be inconsistent with applicable law.

§5 Enforcement of Provisions

  1. LuON may conduct investigations and prosecute violations of the terms of using the Forum to the fullest extent of the law. LuON may notify and cooperate with law enforcement in the prosecution of violations of the law and these terms.

  2. LuON reserves the right to change, redact, and delete content on the forum for any reason. If you believe that someone has posted content on the Forum in violation of these terms, you should contact the administrator.

§6 Your Account

  1. To use some features of the Forum, you must create and log in to an account.

  2. To create an account, you must provide some information about yourself. If you create an account, you commit to providing at least a valid email address and keeping that address active. You can close your account at any time.

  3. The user agrees to be responsible for all actions taken using the account, whether authorized by them or not, until the account is closed or LuON is notified of the account’s compromise. The user agrees to promptly notify LuON if they suspect their account has been compromised. The user agrees to choose a secure password for their account and keep it confidential.

  4. LuON may limit, suspend, or close your Forum account in accordance with the copyright removal request policy or if LuON has reason to believe you have violated any of the terms in the Forum Terms of Use.

§7 Your Content

  1. None of the provisions of this regulation gives LuON intellectual property rights, such as account information, posts, or other content you submit to the Forum. Nothing in this regulation gives you any intellectual property rights in LuON.

  2. Between you (the User) and LuON, you remain solely responsible for the content you submit to the Forum. You agree not to suggest that the content posted on the Forum is sponsored or approved by LuON.

  3. Users are obligated to disseminate through the Forum only content (statements) of their own authorship. In the case of using works or statements of other people, Users are obligated to clearly indicate the quote in accordance with applicable law. Whenever the term “Work” is used, it is understood to mean any statement by the User of his authorship posted by him on the Forum, which can be considered a work within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright and Related Rights.

  4. In exchange for providing the service of allowing the use of the Forum, the User authorizes LuON to use the Work without time, territorial, and quantitative limitations, on all known fields of exploitation.

  5. The conditions do not obligate LuON to store, maintain, or provide copies of the content you submit, and to modify them, in accordance with these conditions.

  6. The content you post on the Forum belongs to you, and it is up to you to decide what permission you will give to others. To the necessary extent, you grant LuON a license to provide content you post on the Forum to other Forum users. This special license allows LuON to copy, publish, and analyze the content you submit to the Forum.

  7. When content is deleted from the Forum, LuON’s license ends when the last copy disappears from backups, cache, and other LuON systems. Other licenses used by you for submitted content, such as Creative Commons licenses, may also apply even after the content is deleted. These licenses may give other people or LuON the right to reshare your content on the Forum.

  8. Other people who receive content you submit to the Forum may violate the terms on which you grant a license to your content. You agree that LuON will not be liable to you for these violations or their consequences.

§8 Your Responsibility

  1. You agree to indemnify LuON against claims by other individuals related to your violation of the terms or the violation of these terms by other individuals using your Forum account.

  2. Each User bears exclusive and personal responsibility to LuON and third parties for posting statements on the Forum that violate the law or the rules arising from the Terms of Use of the Forum.

§9 Reservations

  1. The User assumes all risks associated with using the Forum and its content. To the extent permitted by law, LuON and its providers provide the Forum as is, without any warranties.

  2. The Forum may contain hyperlinks to and integrate forums and services operated by other entities. LuON makes no warranties for services provided by other entities or for the content they may provide. The use of services provided by other entities may be governed by different terms between the user and the entity operating the service.

§10 Limitation of Liability

Neither LuON nor its providers are or will be liable to the user for damages arising from a breach of the agreement that their personnel could not reasonably foresee when the user agreed to these terms.

§11 Feedback

  1. LuON invites you to provide feedback and suggestions regarding the Forum.

  2. You agree that LuON may freely act on your feedback and suggestions, and that LuON will not be required to inform you that your feedback has been used, obtain your consent for its use, or pay you for it. You agree not to submit feedback or suggestions that you consider confidential or reserved for you or others.

§12 Termination of Use

  1. Both you and LuON can terminate the agreement outlined in these terms at any time. When the agreement ends, your consent to use the Forum and the ability to use the Forum also end.

  2. The following provisions survive the termination of our agreement: Your Content, Feedback, Your Responsibility, Reservations, Limitation of Liability, and Final Provisions.

§13 Final Provisions

  1. If any provision of these terms is unenforceable but can be modified to make it enforceable, the provision should be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. Otherwise, the provision should be removed.

  2. You may not assign your agreement with LuON. LuON reserves the right to assign the agreement with the User to any branch of the company, any other company that gains control of the company, or any other company that acquires the assets of the company related to the forum.

  3. Any attempts to assign contrary to these terms have no legal effect.

  4. The exercise of any right under the Terms of Use or the waiver of any right under the Terms of Use does not affect the other provisions of the Terms.

  5. These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and LuON regarding the use of the Forum. These Terms completely replace any other agreements regarding the use of the Forum, whether written or not.

  6. Using the Forum is equivalent to the User’s acceptance of the content of these Terms of Use, committing the User to comply with the Terms in their entirety.

§14 Disputes

You and LuON agree to pursue orders related to these terms only in court. Neither you nor the company will contest the jurisdiction, forum, or venue in these courts.

§15 Contact

  1. You can contact LuON under these terms and send inquiries to the email address: forum@luon.eu.

  2. LuON may contact you in accordance with these Terms using the email address provided for your Forum account or by posting a message on the main Forum page or your account page.

§16 Changes

  1. LuON last updated the Terms on [04.12.2023] and may update them again in the future. LuON will post all updates on the Forum. Changes take effect upon publication.

  2. In the case of updates that include significant changes, the company agrees to send an email to the user if they have created an account and provided a valid email address. LuON may also announce updates through special messages or alerts on the Forum.

  3. Upon receiving notification of updates to the Terms, you must agree to the new terms to continue using the Forum.